

GM Harmonic Balancer Puller LS Engines

Performance Tool

  • Easily pull harmonic balancers without bolting into the balancer on many GM, and some Dodge vehicles

  • Body and legs of the puller are chrome moly, forcing screw is high carbon steel.

  • Many balancers found on GM and Mopar vehicles do not have tapped holes making this puller essential

  • Remove the balancer without removing the radiator for the extra clearance saving time and effort

  • Feet are adjustable, loosen hex cap screw to align them to the cutouts on the back of the balancer.

  • Applications: 5.3 L, 5.7 LS1, 6.0 LS2, 6.2 LS3, and 7.0 L GM vehicles; 3.5 L V6, 3.6 L V6, 4.7 L V8, 5.7 L V8, and 6.1 L V8 Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge vehicles

Warranty: Lifetime